This episode of the Special Eduction Podcast interviews an autistic teacher's aid named Danielle who works with special education students within an elementary school. She loves helping the children because, due to her diagnosis, she can relate to them and bring them out of their shells. She speaks out to the children and tells them to follow their dreams and that learning to cope with their disabilities does get easier and better. Her interview sheds a new light on how people with disabilities aren't helpless. Disabled adults and children have goals and dreams like everyone else, and Danielle wants the children to know that they can achieve those goals.
The podcast can be found on the link below if anyone else is interested in looking through the episodes. There are not many episodes, but I will be finding another Special Education Podcast after I am finished with this one.
I am very interested in the Special Education field, especially autism, and would love comments regarding teaching methods, new research, etc.